The Importance of Reserve Funds In this issue, you’ve read about various building and industry issues that impact association insurance and their effect on protecting an HOA in the event of a claim. When talking about protecting HOAs, the importance of adequate funding for reserves should not be overlooked. I’m often asked, “What is the….
Homeowner Associations News
Condo Trivia: What’s in a Name?
To entertain your friends around the bridge table or between pickleball sets, let’s explore some trivia and history surrounding condominiums. To set the stage, we should first consider where the name “condominium” (or “condominia” in the Latin plural) originated. The English word “condominium” was first used in 1718. This form of property ownership, where an….
Rule Enforcement – The Engineering Perspective
As a condominium unit owner, it’s not uncommon to feel defensive about the rules and their enforcement. Several reasons contribute to this sentiment, which can stem from personal perceptions, misunderstandings, and the inherent nature of living in a shared community, especially if condominium life is new to you. We all have varied experiences in our….
Attention to Detail, Important Issues for New England Communities
Tucked into New England’s peaceful, green-blanketed hills lie numerous homeowner associations (HOAs) -tiny communities within communities. But behind the quiet facades, these groups face issues that strain association operations and finances and demand careful attention. PLANNING FOR DISASTERS New England’s charming landscape with farms, hills, and woods isn’t immune to nature’s whims. Harsh winter weather,….
Property Manager Responsibilities
Over the last 20 years, when things go wrong at condo complexes, I often get a call to provide solutions. Sometimes the call comes from the property manager and sometimes it is from a member of the board. Sometimes the call is from a unit owner. These types of inquiries remind me there is often….
Navigating Challenges-Reducing Risks for Community Wellbeing
Associations have an important role in keeping the property safe and looking nice. In Vermont, where people form close-knit groups while enjoying the beautiful scenery, associations are tasked with protecting property values while building community spirit. ASSOCIATION CHALLENGES Legal These responsibilities come with legal and legislative challenges that need very careful attention and proactive solutions….
Embracing Sustainable Innovation – Green Management Trends
Vermont condominium associations face unique challenges in areas like technology implementation, shrinking their carbon footprints, and conserving energy, all in shifting toward today’s world focus on environmental awareness. As the planet becomes more eco-friendly, associations need to keep up with current trends to ensure sustainable growth and management of condo communities across the Green Mountain….
Enhancing Construction Projects with Construction Engineering Services
Enhancing Construction Projects with Construction Engineering Services As the construction industry continues to evolve, the importance of construction engineering and quality assurance cannot be overstated. At Criterium-Dudka Engineers, we specialize in providing comprehensive construction engineering services that ensure the success and longevity of construction projects. From quality assurance to building envelope commissioning, our team is….
Spring Renewal: Navigating Essential Property Plans and Grounds Maintenance
As the cold clutch of winter finally releases its grip, Vermont’s scenery undergoes a rebirth, exposing the scars left by the harsh season. For Vermont associations, spring’s arrival signals a vital period to tackle the damage inflicted on community properties over the winter months – from soil erosion, storm drainage systems, retaining walls, pavement, walkways,….
Lower Insurance Costs & Reduce Risks – Leveraging Professional Engineering
Homeowner groups play a big part in preserving and improving property values, ensuring community wellness, and protecting residents’ interests. In Vermont, where postcard-perfect scenery meets the challenges of unpredictable weather and natural disasters, these groups face unique risks and need a proactive, professional approach. A qualified engineer can impact a group’s ability to reduce insurance….