Pre- & Post-Blast Inspections

Criterium – Dudka Engineers performs pre- and post-blast inspections.  If a blasting project is planned near your property, it’s time to take a close look to identify cracks in foundations, slab, walls, floors, and ceilings – most of which exist from seasonal changes, age, and normal wear and tear.

Commercial explosives and the blasting industry are regulated by a number of state and federal agencies.  The limits set for blasting noise and vibration are conservative and are below the threshold of where damage is known to occur.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hire an independent party to look at your home.

A pre-blast inspection is an important tool to provide an inventory of existing conditions of a structure when there will be an excavation project that requires blasting, rock or earth removal adjacent to a house, commercial building or other structure.  During a pre-blast inspection, our engineers perform a thorough visual inspection to document the interior and exterior condition of the property.

A post-blast inspection is identical to the inspection performed after blasting, to establish if changes in the property condition could have occurred.

As Licensed, Professional Engineers who have inspected thousands of structures, we bring third-party independence and an objective professional evaluation to what can lead to disagreements between property owners and blasting contractors.

To request pre- & post- blast inspections call Criterium-Dudka Engineers at (844) 885-0153 or online here: Contact Us.