We know buildings and we know what your home means to you.
Criterium-Dudka Engineers understand the importance of your home, and our experience has prompted hundreds of home buyers and home owners to choose us. In our largely unregulated industry, too many states do not require a licensed, Professional Engineer to conduct residential structural or manufactured home inspections, to prepare inspection reports, or perform home diagnostic services.
Criterium-Dudka Engineers uses our team of licensed, Professional Engineers to provide our services or review our final reports. Every one of our engineers has the rigorous training and experience required to become a licensed, Professional Engineer, legally able to advise you on the structural integrity of your building and render opinions about the condition of your home.
If you want a detailed, manufactured home inspection, residential structural inspection, or need consulting engineering services from a licensed, Professional Engineer, call Criterium-Dudka Engineers for:
Criterium-Dudka Engineers customize structural inspections to the unique concerns of each client, and our reports exceed ASTM 2018 standards for due diligence. Let our structural engineers help you keep a small problem from becoming more serious.
And if something is troubling you about your home or building, you don’t need to commission a home inspection to get our take. As licensed, Professional Engineers, we have the lifelong experience and legal standing to help you assess any situation and develop a solution.
Most lenders—including the Federal Housing Authority—require manufactured home inspections prepared by a licensed, Professional Engineer before they will finance or insure your property. Let our engineers carefully assess your anchorage, footings, basement, and crawl space.
If a blasting project is planned near your property, it’s time to take a close look to identify cracks in foundations, slab, walls, floors, and ceilings – most of which exist from seasonal changes, age, and normal wear and tear.