Traditionally, buyers arrange to have a building inspection during the purchasing process. Recently however, there has been an increasing amount of property owners opting to have a building inspection prior to listing their property for sale.
There are many advantages to having a pre-listing inspection. A current building inspection will give you a good idea of the current condition of your property and help you determine what, if any, repairs to make prior to listing. This will help you catch potential issues that could create delays later in the closing process.
When you’re ready to list your property, make your building inspection report available to your potential buyer once you are under contract. If it’s recent and from a reputable property inspector, the buyers might even forgo their inspection, speeding up the process even more. Be sure to provide a list of repairs that you made after the inspection and have receipts ready should your buyers inquire.
Pre-listing inspections can relieve a lot of stress from all parties involved simply by eliminating the element of surprise. They can also help to prevent offer negotiations, buyer repair requests, and the possibility of buyers walking away while under contract.
Being licensed, professional engineers with years of experience in the construction and building inspection fields, with thousands of inspections under our belts, we are highly qualified to provide you with a thorough and insightful pre-listing inspection. Our engineers are available via phone or email should you have questions before, during, and after the inspection process. Call us today for more information and to schedule your inspection today. 844-885-0153