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Municipal and Association Responsibility

Homeowners new and old to association living question why they have to pay monthly dues or assessments, particularly for items such as trash removal and sidewalk repair. Aren’t those covered by the local municipal government? In reality, these services are quickly becoming the sole responsibility of community associations across the country. While ‘dues’ is the….


How to Sell the Results of a Reserve Study Without a Revolt

While the importance of associations building a strong reserve fund is no mystery to you, raising fees or assessments is often a sensitive subject with homeowners. Every association needs a long-term planning goal, and a reserve study creates an accurate timetable for all major improvements. FIDICUARY DUTY One of the primary business duties of community….


The Home Inspector’s Role in the Home Buying Transaction

As I have traversed this great state of MA and spoken to home buyers, Realtors, mortgage companies, and even warranty companies, the message from each group varies: “Are you a deal killer?” “Is the home safe and built properly?” “Is this property/asset worth the asking price?” “Is something going to go wrong once the deal….


New Construction: If It’s New, Is It Good?

How good is new construction in the United States and Canada? Generally, it is pretty good, but there are some significant areas of concern. Our goal is to provide information that will allow quality-oriented builders to improve upon the products they deliver. The following is based on information and opinions gathered from the more than….


DECKS AND BALCONIES – Source of pleasure and problems

Moisture and Other Problems Wood decks and balconies are either cantilevered (that is, built on floor framing that extends from the wall) or attached to the side of the building.  If attached to the wall, the joint is the source of most problems.  If not properly flashed, moisture gets in and rot develops.  If cantilevered,….


Seven Things You Must Know Before Conducting Your Next Reserve Study

There are many benefits to having a Reserve Study done. First, it meets legal, fiduciary and professional requirements. It provides for the planned replacement of major items that must, at some point in time, be replaced, as major items deteriorate during use. It minimizes the need for special assessments. And lastly, a replacement fund enhances….


Building Codes – Myths and Reality

What is a building code? Is it a law? Or a guideline? Or a voluntary standard? What do building codes mean to my home? Perhaps you will find it useful to review how building codes affect your home, both the theory and the reality. First, what are they? Most municipalities have building codes and zoning ordinances….


Mold – Hype or Real Risk?

Increasingly, we are talking about specific kinds of mold, not just old mold. Is this a new problem or just one that our technology is now allowing us to detect more effectively? Are we overreacting or should we be concerned? If we should be concerned, what products or actions are most effective? Unfortunately, there is….


Stairways and Decks Aren’t Safe Unless their Railings Are Secure

Your Home | Volume 35, Number 1 You’re standing in the basement waiting for a friend, who is following you down the stairs. Missing a step, your friend reaches for the railing, which breaks away from the wall. This will not end well for your friend, who may be seriously injured or worse; and it….